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Transcona Museum
Transcona Museum


Serving King and Country: Transcona's Hometown Heroes explores the experiences of a small, tightly-knit railway town whose social consciousness was forever changed by the events of WWI and WWII. Transcona, Manitoba began as an industrial centre for the railway, home to one of the largest repair shops in Western Canada. During both wars, Transcona railway workers served King and Country through their work at the "Shops". In jobs that were deemed essential for the war effort, they helped maintain a national railway system that was vital to transport military troops and supplies across Canada. They also worked on secretive operations that included manufacturing munitions and building Canada’s only armour-plated train. No family was untouched by the crisis as over 400 men from Transcona served in uniform (WWI) and over 800 men and women enlisted in the army, navy, air force, and merchant marine (WWII). Families supported each other, those in service, and the War Efforts Committee as they sent thousands of letters and comfort packages to those serving abroad. Of all the Transcona’s Hometown Heroes, 121 laid down their lives for King and Country. Their sacrifice has been immortalized in Transcona through monuments, plaques, parks, street names, and exhibits.


For more online content on Transcona's military history, please visit our Museum Blog.


Available for public viewing at the Transcona Museum are the short film, Transcona Remembers, and our military Books of Honour. We also have an offsite display at the Transcona Legion.


The Transcona Museum also offers a walking tour, "Transcona's War Efforts" during the summer months and around Remembrance Week in November. Please visit our Historic Walking Tours page for more information and ticket availability.

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Transcona Museum

141 Regent Avenue West

Winnipeg, MB R2C 1R1


The Transcona Museum is located on ancestral lands, on Treaty One Territory. These lands are the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. Our drinking water is sourced from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation. We respect the Treaties made on these territories, acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.


The Transcona Museum gratefully acknowledges the City of Winnipeg's ongoing support of museum operations and facility maintenance.

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